A Contract Is an Agreement Mcq

Posted on January 21, 2022 · Posted in Uncategorized

Which of the following statements is false with regard to discharge by agreement? 5. A enters into a contract with B in order to beat its competitor. This is an example of the Indian Contract Act of 1872, which prescribes the Contracts Act in India and is the main law governing Indian contract law. The Contract Act of 1872 was enacted on April 25, 1872. 6. Which of the following legal notices is incorrect? (a) A legally enforceable agreement is a contract [Section 2] Q.12: – A contract that is no longer legally enforceable becomes void when it ceases to be: 27. Which of the following is not authorized to act? (a) A minor (b) A person with an unhealthy mind (c) A person who has been excluded from the contract by law (d) All these Q.40:- If the event becomes impossible, these contracts become: Q.20:- If consent to an agreement is caused by coercion, fraud or misrepresentation, the agreement is a contract: Q.31:- An agreement to restrict the marriage of an important person is: 18. In trade and commercial agreements, the intention of the parties to establish a legal relationship is (a) presumed to exist, (b) be expressly expressed in writing (c) Irrelevant or complete (d) Not applicable. Q.36:- A misconception about the value of the things that are the subject of the agreement should not be taken into account: Q.7:- An agreement that is not legally enforceable is called: Which of the following methods is not a method by which a contract can be performed? An implied offer is an offer in which the contracting parties do not speak to each other clearly, but the obligation is formed by the circumstances, para. B example.

– here, the hammer hitting the table by the auctioneer shows that he is ready to accept his offer. that is why it is called an implicit offer. _________ Q.41: – A betting contract is …………… while a conditional contract […].. Is: Article 2(g) states: “An agreement that is unenforceable by law shall be deemed null and void.” Such an agreement is void as an initio, which means that it is enforceable from the moment it is concluded. Similarly, under section 30 of the Indian Contract Act of 1872, a betting contract is an agreement between two persons under which money or monetary value is payable from one person to another upon the occurrence or non-occurrence of a future uncertain event called a betting agreement. Therefore, in this case A agrees to sell a horse to B for Rs. 25,000 if he wins a race, and for Rs. 15,000 otherwise.

The horse wins the race. The agreement between A and B is null and void because the agreement between them is unenforceable and bets because there is money to pay for the horse that wins the race. Q.22: – Fraud or false declaration that has not led to the acceptance of a contract of the party in which such fraud was committed or for which such a false declaration was made does not entail a contract: Q.16: – If a minor has concluded a contract for the purchase of necessary items. In such cases: 35. Which of the following is the essential part of the compensation contract: (a) Contract for compensation for damage (b) The damage must be inflicted on the holder of the compensation. (c) The loss may be caused by the promisor or any other person (d) All of the foregoing. Article 25 states that the agreement is void without consideration, unless it is written and registered or if it is a promise to compensate something that has been done, or if it is a promise to settle a debt prescribed by the limitation period. – An agreement entered into without consideration is void unless (1) it is expressed in writing and registered under the law currently applicable for the registration of 1 [documents].

and is made on the basis of natural love and affection between parts that are closely related to each other; or unless (2) it is a promise to indemnify, in whole or in part, a person who has already voluntarily done something for the promisor, or something to which the promisor was legally bound; or unless. (3) It is a promise made in writing and signed by the person to be accused or by his agent, generally or specially authorized on that behalf, to settle a debt in whole or in part, which the creditor could have charged without the Law on the Limitation of Shares. In each of these cases, such an agreement is a contract. 1.An agreement consists of mutual promises between at least 37 people. A legally enforceable agreement at the choice of a party(a) Valid Contract (b) Invalid Contract (c) Voidable Contract (d) Illegal Contract Which of the following statements applies to a minor`s contractual capacity? Q.21: – If the consent was caused by a false statement or silence, fraudulent within the meaning of Article 17, the Contract, nevertheless, if the party whose consent was so caused had the opportunity to discover the truth with ordinary care: Contract performed means a contract that has been fully performed by both parties. In other words, a contract whose conditions have been fully met. Here, the bookseller sold his book and at the same time the other party paid the amount and therefore both parties had fulfilled the contract, so option C is the right answer If a non-infringing party actually terminates the contract, a number of consequences may follow. Which of the following points is not a valid consequence of termination? In the case of an unenforceable contract that has a technical defect, parties Q.28: – Any agreement that absolutely prevents a party from asserting its rights under or in connection with a contract, through the usual legal proceedings before the ordinary courts or that limits the period within which it can assert its rights: An unenforceable contract or transaction is one that is valid but that the court will not enforce. Inapplicable is usually used in contravention of null and void (or null ab initio) and voidable. If the parties complete the agreement, it is valid, but the court will not force them if they do not. Q.42: – A agrees to pay B Rs 10000 if two straight lines are to surround a space. The agreement is …………………: Q.6:- The law dealing with matters relating to the contract is entitled: Which of the following types of agreements is NOT excluded from the application of § 1 paragraph 1? 8.

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